Smith County Commissioners Court

Weekly Update

January 28, 2025 – Commissioners Court

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Weekly Update

Commissioners Court Notes

Please note: All agenda items are considered PASSED unless indicated otherwise.



1. Presentation of employee recognition, longevity certificates, and service pins.


2. Consider and take necessary action to ratify a resolution proclaiming January 24, 2025, as “Coach C.L. Nix Hall of Fame Day” in Smith County.



3. Consider and take necessary action to appoint the Commissioners Court representative to the Smith County Bail Bond Board in accordance with Texas Occupations Code, § 1704.053(3) and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comment: Appointed Commissioner J. Scott Herod

4. Consider and take necessary action to appoint a Smith County representative to the East Texas Council of Governments (ETCOG) Board of Directors and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comment: Appointed Commissioner Christina Drewry. Board meets in September and March.

5. Consider and take necessary action to appoint a chairperson to the Smith County Historical Commission and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comment: Appointed Conor Heterich.
6. Consider and take necessary action to approve a Shared Agency Agreement and 3rd Party Data Access Agreement between Smith County and Smith County Emergency Services District #2 for Motorola Solutions access and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comment: This Shared Agency Agreement gives ESD2 (separate taxing entity for Smith County residents; fire services) access to the Motorola product called Spillman. Smith County is the host and ESD2 is the shared agency. ESD2 is covering the cost of licensing and the module they need. Don Bell, our IT Director negotiated the 3rd Party Data Access Agreement to protect our Smith County data from possible breaches through ESD2 access. By joining ESD2 to our dispatch module they will have access to the public safety ecosystem. NO COST.

7. Consider and take necessary action to receive a donation of nine LIFEPAK CR2 AEDs (Automated ExternalDefibrillator) and accompanying wall cabinets and hardware from UT Health East Texas EMS.

Comment: UT Health East Texas EMS donated 9 AEDs and storage units in the amount of $21,346.01.

8. Receive the 2024 Racial Profiling Report Exemption for Smith County Constable Precinct 2 and the Smith County Fire Marshal’s Office in accordance with Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 2B.

Comment: Constable Precinct 2 & the Fire Marshal do not make traffic stops. They are both eligible to submit full exemptions for their Racial Profiling Reports.


9. Accept the Prosperity Bank donation to help with the cost of a new Sparky suit for fire prevention in the amount of $500 and allow the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comment: The Fire Marshal has received a donation of $500 from Prosperity Bank towards the purchase of a new FirePup costume that will cost more than $3000.  It is his intention to host more community events that involve educating our youth about fire prevention. He is seeking additional donations to meet his goal for the new costume.


10. Consider and take necessary action to approve contract with Carey Christie for legal services for indigent criminal defendants for the 321st District Court, pursuant to Texas Family Code, Chapter 107, SubchapterA, and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comment: Judge Wilson had an opening for a new Indigent Defense Attorney. The previous attorney had finished his commitment to the 321st court. Judge Wilson has hired Carey Christie to fill the open position. The Indigent Defense Attorney’s contracts are $120,000 a year, $10,000 a month. Mrs. Christie’s contract is prorated at $80,000 for the remainder of this year.


11. Receive certification of continuing education completion for Smith County Tax-Assessor Collector Gary Barber pursuant to Texas Tax Code § 6.231.

Comment: Mr. Barber is required to submit his continuing education completion certificate to the court annually.



12. Consider and take necessary action to authorize the county judge to sign the:

a. Re-Plat for Garden Valley Meadows, Precinct 3; and
b. Final Plat for the Cedar Vista Addition, Unit 2, Precinct 4.


13. Consider and take necessary action to approve and/or ratify payment of accounts, bills, payroll, transfer of funds, amendments, and health claims.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: For purposes permitted by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, entitled Open Meetings, Sections 55 l.071, 55 l.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.075, and 551.076. The Commissioners Court reserves the right to exercise its discretion and may convene in executive session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, et seq., on any of the items listed on its formal or briefing agendas.
14. Deliberation and consultation with attorney regarding, Oncor Electric Delivery Company NTU, LLC v. Smith County et al, Cause No. 24-3461-B.
15. Deliberation and consultation regarding the use, purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property in Smith County.

16. Consider and take necessary action to approve a Joint Defense Agreement between Smith County and listed Co-Defendants in Cause No. 24-3461-B.

Comment: The court approved the Joint Defense Agreement as it was in the best interest of all entities involved in Oncor Electric Delivery Company NTU, LLC v. Smith County et al, Cause No. 24-3461-B.