Smith County Courthouse - Yesterday
Smith County Courthouse - Yesterday

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Serving Smith County – Precinct 1

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Smith County, Texas - Precinct 1

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February 4, 2025 – Commissioners Court

Commissioners Court Notes

Please note: All agenda items are considered PASSED unless indicated otherwise.




  1. Consider and take necessary action to adopt a resolution of support to establish and rename a portion of Farm-to-Market Road 2493 as the “Captain Kevin Williams and Firefighter Austin Cheek MemorialHighway” in Smith County.

Comments: On August 3, 2007we lost Captain Kevin Williams, a 5-year firefighter and Firefighter Austin Cheek, a first-year firefighter, as they were fighting a house fire near Flint with the Noonday Fire Department.  It was a tough time for the fire department and the community.  Assistant Fire Chief Keith Tate from the Flint-Gresham Volunteer Fire Department initiated an effort to rename a portion of Old Jacksonville Highway to Captain Kevin Williams and Firefighter Austin Cheek Memorial Highway.  Senator Hughes has filed Senate Bill 682 to rename the portion of FM 2493 between its intersection with Church Street in Flint and its intersection with CR 150 in Smith County. We adopted a resolution in support of those efforts by Assistant Fire Chief Tate & Senator Hughes in honor of Captain Kevin Williams and Firefighter Austin Cheek. The same resolution will be presented to the ESD2 Board at the next meeting.

SB 682

  1. Consider and take necessary action to authorize the resolution of resale for struck-off property, suit number 25,641-C and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comments: From Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson, LLP 
Address of struck off property is 12488 FM 3311. This property was not purchased during the Sheriff’s tax sale. It is a 1.012 acre lot in Owentown. East Texas MUD 1 has a fresh water supply well on the property. The opening bid was $9500. The cost for the sale was $1711
The remainder was distributed to the other taxing entities:
Winona ISD    $4883.29
Smith County  $1146.68
TJC                 $1061.61
ESD2              $  697.42

  1. Consider and take necessary action to approve the settlement Automobile Claim Settlement, Claim Number APD20242201-2 from Texas Associations of Counties, and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation. 

Comments: This is a total loss from Smith County Sheriff’s Office.  It was a K9 unit. The other driver was at fault. The settlement was $40,636.46$19,622.46 for the vehicle and $21,014 in equipment. Texas Association of Counties (TAC) Risk Management Pool reviewed the claim and agreed to settle. 

  • For FY24, the cost for the TAC Risk Management Pool was just over $674,000.  
  • The county also pays for memberships to TAC for various elected officials and department heads. The Auditor’s office provided the Membership Expenses for FY24 and the total was just over $101,000.


  1. Consider and take necessary action to approve tax refunds in excess of $2,500, pursuant to Texas Tax Code 31.11, and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.

The Tax Assessor must come to court to issue any refund over $2500.The owner overpaid by $2542.74. The tax due was $644.70 and they issued a payment for $3187.44. The Tax Assessor will issue a refund.


  1. Consider and take necessary action to accept the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) funds for correctional purposes from the Bureau of Justice Program (BJA), including approval of grant conditions, and authorize the Auditor’s Office to sign all necessary documentation.

Comments: The BJA seeks to make payments under the statutorily required State Criminal Alien Assistance Program to eligible states and units of local government that incur certain types of costs due to incarceration of “undocumented criminal aliens” during the July 1, 2022 through June 20, 2023 reporting period. The award was $68,579.

6. Consider and take necessary action to declare the following items surplus and/or salvage, and authorize the Purchasing Department to advertise an online auction beginning February 12, 2025, and ending February 26, 2025, in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code 263.152, and remove from inventory:
a. 3 – Ford Taurus
b. 16 – Chevrolet Tahoe
c. 1 – Chevrolet Impala
d. 1 – Ford F-150
e. 1 – Ford Explorer 
f. 2 – GMC Sierra
g. 1 – John Deer Tractor
h. 3 – Brush Hog Mower Decks
 i. 2 – Lots of Tires
Comments: These vehicles were taken out of service. Equipment on the vehicle is stripped off by Smith County Road and Bridge Department and the IT dept removes their computer equipment before the vehicles go to auction. This auction will be online with GovDeals. There is a link under the Purchasing Department’s web page for Online Auctions that will take you directly to GovDeals. It is free to look at the items up for auction.


  • Viewing will be on 2/17 & 2/21 from 1:00pm – 4:30pm at 1700 W. Claude Street Tyler, TX
  • Advertisement Dates for the paper: February 12th and 19th.
  • GovDeal charges the buyer 7.5% over and above the amount of the winning bid.

7. Consider and take necessary action to authorize the sale of fireworks for Texas IndependenceDay.
Comments:  Texas Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836.  It is an annual legal holiday in Texas. In 2015, the Texas Legislature passed HB 1150, authored by Representative James White, that would allow fireworks sales for Texas Independence Day from 2/25 through 3/2. The bill also expanded sales to celebrate San Jacinto Day and Memorial Day. We approved the purchase of fireworks for Texas Independence Day. Enjoy celebrating Texas’ independence from Mexico that weekend!
8. Consider and take necessary action to accept a grant from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) division, for an amount not to exceed $23,000, for the purchase of a drone, and allow the county judge to sign all related documentation.
Comments: Permission to apply for this grant was approved by the previous Court on 10/1/2024. The grant was formally submitted on 10/1/2024.  The drone selected is a Parrot ANAFI USA GOV US and conforms to all applicable federal regulations. The drone cost was $16, 081.97 and will be paid for with the TCEQ grant.

9. Consider and take necessary action to approve a contract with Rusty W. Drake for indigent criminal defense services for the 7th District Court, pursuant to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, § 26.04, and Texas Administrative Code Chapter 174, and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation.
Comments: This was for Judge Russell’s court.  This is the 4th contract attorney. The contract is for $10,000/month or $120,000 a year. Rusty W. Drake received the contract for Indigent Criminal Defense services.


10. Consider and take necessary action to authorize the county judge to sign the:
a. Re-Plat for Blue Ridge Estates, Phase 3, Lots 5 and 7, Precinct 1, and
b. Re-Plat for Barbara Road Estates, Unit 2, Precinct 3.

11. Receive pipe and/or utility line installation request (notice only):
a. County Road 3101, 3102, 3116, 3117, 3208, Charter-Spectrum, install underground fiber optic cable with vaults, Precinct 3,
b. County Road 217, 2299, 223, 2290, 246 S, 2264, 233, Charter-Spectrum, install aerial and underground fiber optic cable with vaults and pedestals, Precinct 3,
c. County Road 3116, 3118, 3168, 3119, 3111, 3113, 4342, 4343, Charter-Spectrum, install aerial and underground fiber optic cable with vaults and pedestals, Precinct 3,
d. County Road 371, 373, 366, 373, 374, 3110, Charter-Spectrum, install underground fiber optic cable with pedestals, Precinct 3,
e. County Road 122, CenterPoint Energy, install gas line for service, Precinct 1, f. County Road 429, CenterPoint Energy, install gas line for service, Precinct 4,
g. County Road 235, Jackson Water Supply Corporation, install line for service, Precinct 3, and
h. County Road 24, CenterPoint Energy, install distribution line and service line, Precinct 3.

Comments: The plats and re-plats are requests submitted to Frank Davis, the County Engineer at the Road and Bridge Department.  They must be presented to the court for final approval based on the recommendation.

A “notice only” item does not require a vote.

12. Consider and take necessary action to approve and/or ratify payment of accounts, bills, payroll, transfer of funds, amendments, and health claims.
Comments: Bond payments are due in February and August. There was a large transfer for $10,081,778.71 to pay for the Smith County Bonds 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024, Parking 2023 and Courthouse 2023. Of that total, the interest was $4,936,779.03
The Prescription Claim Cost Billing and Fee came to $143,954.78 for the billing period of 1/16/25 through 1/31/25. We paid The Health Plan for Administrative Fees out of the Smith County Insurance Fund for the month of January in the amount of $94,469.02. Smith County employs over 900 citizens. 

13. Receive report on status of Smith County jail operations, inmate population, employee overtime, and employee vacancies.


Smith County Courthouse Construction Progress

This is a time-lapse video of the construction project through January 2025. (2 minutes)


February 28 @ 6:30 pm – Town Hall

February 28 @ 6:30 pm – Town Hall

Town Hall Meeting

Joy Building @ Flint Baptist Church

11131 FM 2868, Flint, TX

My monthly Town Halls are for members of the community to gather together to discuss issues, concerns and ideas. These meetings can provide the citizens with information about the decisions of the Commissioners Court, capital improvement projects, road repair updates and other county business. You can’t do anything about what you don’t know! 

From time to time, other elected officials or department heads may want to give a special presentation and/or take questions. I want to encourage any elected official that would like to engage with the public to join me. 

Town Hall meetings serve as a way for me to gather feedback about our decisions, input on proposed policies or projects, and address concerns raised by the community. This is my job review! I answer to you.

Just as our founding fathers, I believe in the consent of the governed and I support your right to free speech. I encourage you to come as you are and engage with your elected official about your community. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

*No food or drinks will be served at this meeting.
*This is an informal meeting.
*We will not live stream or record.

I hope you can join us! I’m looking forward to meeting the citizens of Smith County.


County Commissioners have a duty to:

Protect our citizens’ natural rights against rogue actions of the state or federal government;

Prioritize obtaining “consent of the governed” through transparency and citizen participation;

Ensure every election is secure and the results for every vote cast in every race or ballot initiative can be verified;

Ethically manage county business;

Uphold the rule of law at all times;

Prioritize public safety through effective law enforcement and the court systems;

Represent the people of our precincts over special interests;

Properly maintain county infrastructure (roads, bridges, drainage, buildings, vehicles, equipment, county data, and human resources);

Utilize tax revenue effectively and efficiently, ensuring the highest quality for the best price;

Set a tax rate with the burden of the taxpayer at the forefront of our minds.

I'm Christina Drewry
- Commissioner Precinct 1

“While I represent Precinct 1 on the bench, I serve ALL of Smith County, Texas.”

Serving the Smith County community