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The Issues

Working on solutions for Smith County!

Property Taxes & Government Spending

The Problem: The Biden Administration has saddled Americans with rising prices – inflation that has cut deeply into the pocketbook of every citizen. In addition, we saw our Smith County property appraisals surge!

Employee Retention

The Problem:  In certain areas of Smith County government, we have high turnover rates that escalate costs. The Smith County Commissioners Court has no plan to reward hardworking employees when their ideas result in high quality services at a lower cost.

Election Integrity

Elections are the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic.  Our country was founded on the “Consent of the Governed.” To give that consent, the people must depend on election integrity through ballot security!

Transparency & Accountability in Government

The Problem:  Confidence in government institutions continues to plummet. Do you really know HOW and WHY your tax dollars are being spent at any level of government?

Accessibility to Taxpayers, County Employees and All County Officials

We elect candidates to work for us – not for their own personal benefit. The people would like to see a sense of “business urgency” on the part of elected officials to complete work on time, under budget, and with open reporting.

Unconstitutional COVID restrictions and other government overreach

The Problem: We have lived through one of the most restrictive times in our history of liberty.  Much has been revealed regarding the virus, the pharmaceutical companies, and the CDC.  It is safe to predict this will be tried again.

County Commissioners have a duty to:

Protect our citizens’ natural rights against rogue actions of the state or federal government;

Prioritize obtaining “consent of the governed” through transparency and citizen participation;

Ensure every election is secure and the results for every vote cast in every race or ballot initiative can be verified;

Ethically manage county business;

Uphold the rule of law at all times;

Prioritize public safety through effective law enforcement and the court systems;

Represent the people of our precincts over special interests;

Properly maintain county infrastructure (roads, bridges, drainage, buildings, vehicles, equipment, county data, and human resources);

Utilize tax revenue effectively and efficiently, ensuring the highest quality for the best price;

Set a tax rate with the burden of the taxpayer at the forefront of our minds.

Serving the Smith County, TX community