Smith County Commissioners Court

Weekly Update

February 25, 2025 – Commissioners Court

by | Feb 26, 2025 | Weekly Update

Commissioners Court Notes

Please note: All agenda items are considered PASSED unless indicated otherwise.



1. Receive presentation of employee recognitions, longevity certificates and service pins.

2. Receive annual Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) update from the Andrews Center.

Comments: SIM supports community-based jail diversions services to individuals identified as having a mental illness, co-occuring psychiatric and substance use disorder that are at risk of involvement with the criminal justice system. The Chief SIM Officer, Keisha Morris, oversees 6 teams at the Local Mental Health Authority: Mobil Crisis Outreach, Crisis Respite, Forensics (Outpatient & Jail-based Competency Restoration), Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Services, Region 4 Outreach, Screening, Assessment, & Referral.

Total Crisis Services Provided: 7,507
Total Placements: 657 with 13% readmission rate
Estimated Incarceration Cost per day for a mental health issue: $135.52 (not including outpatient care)
Andrews’ Center Overall Impact on the County: $770, 457.92

3. Receive presentation and financial update from the Tyler Economic Development Council (TEDC).

4. Receive presentation and plaque donation from the Alamo Letter Society.

Comments: The “Victory or Death” letter was written by Lt. Col. William B. Travis on Feb. 24, 1836, and heroically dispatched through the Mexican Army to General Sam Houston by Captain Albert Martin. Only 220 words long, many Texans and other Freedom-loving people around the world hold it in the same high esteem as the U.S. Constitution and the Magna Carta. The Alamo Letter Society received a donation to cover the cost of this plaque and donate the plaque to the county. Their goal is to have a Travis Letter plaque donated to all 254 counties in Texas. Each plaque will serve as an enduring symbol to future generations of Texans of their forefathers’ fight for Liberty, Freedom, and the armed resistance to oppression. The county graciously received the plaque and it will be placed in front of the new courthouse at the appropriate time. Keep an eye out for the announcement. I will make sure to add the information to my weekly email and post on social media.

Alamo letter



5. Consider and take necessary action to reappoint a Smith County representative to serve on the Northeast Texas Regional Mobility Authority (NET RMA) Board of Directors, to serve a two-year term beginning February 1, 2025, and ending January 31, 2027.

Comments: Marcia Daughtrey was the only applicant for this position on the board. She submitted a request for re-appointment to the Net RMA board and the court approved.


6. Consider and take necessary action to allow the Emergency Management Coordinator to apply for grant number 5487901 and grant number 5489601, related to emergency management through the East Texas Council of Governments and allow the county judge to sign all related documentation.

Comments: The Emergency Management Coordinator requested to apply for a grant through Homeland Security, and allotted by East Texas Council of Governments, to purchase an on-site response trailer that will be stocked with supplies to use during mass casualty events and reunification, and another grant to acquire response & deployment kits to be issued and used during disaster operations.


7. Consider and take necessary action to approve the following Facility Use Agreements for 2025:

  1. Bullard Southern Baptist Church,
  2. Cameron J Jarvis Library,
  3. Tyler Fire Department Station #2,
  4. First Christian Church,
  5. The Heritage Building,
  6. Hideaway Member Services Building,
  7. Kinzie Community Center,
  8. Lanes Chapel Methodist Church,
  9. Tyler ISD’s Clarkston Elementary School and Jones/Boshears Elementary School, and
  10. Winona Community Center

Comments: These locations will be used for conducting the May 3, 2025 elections.

8. Consider and take necessary action to approve the Interlocal Agreements for conducting elections between Smith County and the following political subdivisions for the May 3, 2025 Election and authorize the county judge to sign all related documentation:

  1. City of Bullard,
  2. Bullard ISD,
  3. City of Hideaway,
  4. Lindale ISD,
  5. City of Troup,
  6. City of Tyler,
  7. Tyler ISD,
  8. City of Winona, and
  9. Winona ISD

Comments: These taxing entities have contracted with the Smith County Elections Administrator to conduct their elections. The charges on the contracts include these line items:

  • Early Voting Locations – Election Workers, Location Rental & Supplies
  • Election Day Locations – Election Workers, Location Rental & Supplies
  • Central – Workers, Location Rental, Supplies
  • Publications of Notice of Election and Logic & Accuracy Test
  • Absentee Ballots
  • Rental of Election Equipment
  • ES&S Machine Invoices
  • Voting Equipment Delivery

These estimates are IF EVERY registered voter participates in those elections. I asked our Election Administrator, Michelle Allcon, to provide the final numbers of the cost per ballot after these elections have concluded.


9. Consider and take necessary action to approve the Sheriff’s Office bookkeeper a one-time exception request to increase pay by $3,995, based upon level of experience.

Comments: Chief Pinkerton explained that a mistake was made in the hiring process of this individual where she was brought in as Accountant/Bookkeeper 1 (0-1) w/Bachelors at $45,427 and she should have been at Accountant/Bookkeeper 1 (1-5) w/Bachelors at $49,382. The increase was $3,995 based on her level of experience.



10. Consider and take necessary action to accept Commissioners Court minutes for January 2025.

11. Receive Commissioners Court recordings for January 2025.

12. Consider and take necessary action to authorize the county judge to sign the:

  1. Re-Plat for Beaver’s Den, Lots 1 – 4, Precinct 3 and
  2. L&R 2020 Subdivision, Precinct 3.

13. Receive pipe and/or utility line installation request (notice only):

  1. County Road 411, MetroNET, install aerial fiber optic cable, Precinct 3,
  2. County Road 431, 4137, 4200, MetroNET, install aerial fiber optic cable, Precinct 3,
  3. County Road 461, 431, 492, 4196, MetroNET, install aerial fiber optic cable, Precinct 4,
  4. County Road 378, 384, 385, Charter-Spectrum, install underground fiber optic cable with pedestals, vaults and road bores, Precinct 4,
  5. County Road 246N, 3101, 3120, Charter-Spectrum, install underground fiber optic cable with pedestals and vaults, Precinct 3,
  6. County Road 236, 327, 239, 370, 373, Charter-Spectrum, install underground fiber optic cable with pedestal, vaults and road bores, Precinct 3,
  7. County Road 294, Jackson Water Supply Corporation, install line for service, Precinct 2, and
  8. County Road 223, Jackson Water Supply Corporation, install line for service, Precinct 2.

14. Accept monthly Auditor/Treasurer Report and Executive Summary for January 2025.

15. Consider and take necessary action to approve and/or ratify payment of accounts, bills, payroll, transfer of funds, amendments, and health claims.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: For purposes permitted by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, entitled Open Meetings, Sections 55l.071, 55 l.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.075,and 551.076. The Commissioners Court reserves the right to exercise its discretion and may convene in executive session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, et seq., on any of the items listed on its formal or briefing agendas.


16. Deliberation and consultation with attorney regarding appointment of Smith County Treasurer in accordance with Texas Government Local Code, §87.041.



17. Consider and take necessary action regarding the retirement/resignation and appointment of the Smith County Treasurer.

Comments: The court accepted a letter of resignation for retirement from County Treasurer, Kelli White effective July 31, 2025. The court appointed Atonia Rawlings as the County Treasurer effective August 1, 2025. Mrs. Rawlings has been in the Treasurer’s office for 10 years and was with the District Clerk’s office for 9 years prior to that. She will be filling the unexpired term of Kelli White.