Thank you Smith County citizens for this privilege to serve you!
I was officially sworn in on January 2nd at the Courthouse Annex by Judge Sara Maynard. My heart was full as I looked out into the courtroom and saw so many good friends and supporters. My Pastor from Flint Baptist Church, Brother Sam DeVille, led the ceremony with a beautiful prayer for wisdom, discernment, protection and provision. It was an honor that I will never forget. I am so excited about the work ahead!
Throughout the campaign, we talked about transparency. The public has a right to know and understand what we are talking about on these agendas and how their tax dollars are being used. This was my first week in court. From here on out, you will get a weekly report on the agenda. My hope is that you will learn about the county business so that you can engage with your government and I can be your voice on the court. Since this was our first week, the agenda was short. I will be glad to answer any questions you have. You can find my contact information at the bottom of this email. Do not hesitate to call or email or stop by and visit. You’re my boss and I’m always working for you!
Commissioners Court Notes
Please note: All agenda items are considered PASSED unless indicated otherwise.
Judge Franklin introduced both Commissioner Herod and I prior to the beginning of the agenda. We each had a chance to give our opening remarks. I would like to encourage you to watch the archived video (linked above) to hear what Commissioner Herod and I shared with the public.
1. Consider and take necessary action to designate commissioners to serve as primary point of contact for specific departments under the control or oversight of the Commissioners Court.
2025 Commissioners Court Liaison Assignments
Christina Drewry – Commissioner, Precinct 1
- Elections
- Human Resources
- Purchasing
John Moore – Commissioner, Precinct 2
- Records
- Fire Marshal
- Animal Control and Shelter
- Law Library
J Scott Herod – Commissioner, Precinct 3
- IT
- Facility Services
- Veterans
Ralph Caraway, Sr. – Commissioner, Precinct 4
- Road and Bridge
- Pre-Trial Release
- Judicial Compliance/Collections
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn from and work with the departments I was assigned for 2025.
2. Consider and take necessary action to approve a contract with Magnet Forensics for the East Texas Anti-Gang Center (TAG) and approve a Discretionary Exemption pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 262.024(a)(2)(7) and authorize the county judge to sign all necessary documentation.
The East Texas Anti-Gang Center is located in Smith County and is a collaborative multi-agency hub focused on detecting, deterring, and disrupting crime within our communities. This entity is primarily funded by state grants. (State grants are funded by tax dollars.)
This contract with Magnet Forensics was software needed for forensic tools that assist in investigations. The item exceeded $50,000 and so it was necessary to request approval for funding by the Commissioners Court. The contract is for 1 year and the cost was $54,390.
3. Consider and take necessary action to authorize the county judge to sign the:
a. Final Plat of the Taylor Addition, First Amendment, Precinct 3; and
b. Re-Plat of the Emerald Bay Lake Subdivision, Unit 1B, Precinct 1
4. Receive pipe and/or utility line installation request (notice only):
a. County Road 384, City of Winona, install gas line for service, Precinct 1,
b. County Road 192, Oncor Electric Delivery, install a power pole and switch, Precinct 1,
c. County Road 393 and 384, Charter-Spectrum, install underground fiber optic cable with
vaults and pedestals, Precinct 3; and
d. County Road 235, Jackson Water Supply Corporation, install line for service, Precinct 3
The plats and re-plats are requests submitted to Frank Davis, the County Engineer at the Road and Bridge Department. They have to be presented to the court for final approval based on the recommendation.
A “notice only” item does not require a vote.
5. Consider and take necessary action to approve and/or ratify payment of accounts, bills, payroll, transfer of funds, amendments, and health claims.
Approval is required to pay the bills for the county.
6. Receive report on status of Smith County Jail operations, inmate population, employee overtime, and employee vacancies.